Wednesday, September 6

quoi est neuf?

* The most important news of late is that I have purchased my ticket for returning to the States! It does not need to be said again,, 2 years went by really quick! (want to know the date & location of my entry? you gotta leave a comment and ask)
* School is just getting going here. Most of the families in my neighborhood made it back in time to find out what day classes started, but some would never dream of letting such a trivial thing as their kids schooling cut into their vacation, so we have yet to see them! Odd as that sounds, it is actually normal (esp. for younger kids) to miss the first few days as well as the last few days of school each year.
* I am applying for graduate school. It sounds like a simple task, but getting all the little details in order (from a foreign country on a 7hr time difference), has proved a little more involved than I anticipated. If all goes well I will be moving to KY in January to get a job and start classes.
* I may be developing a sty in my right eye...has anyone ever had one of these? what should I do? ahhhh, I'm only 25 and I'm falling apart.
* I gave in...though I signed up a while back, I have now become a user of Myspace.
* Joyeux Anniversaire to Joshua Langston!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me some Bethany!

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bethany! I hope you plan to stop by The Texas when you return home---and Seth doesn't count as my official representative. I need live and in person contact. Plus, I'll want you to check out my baby belly! We're due in February. Savor the last days...ils ne retourneront pas.

ps: warm/hot washrag compress till washrag cools. repeat. (keep the hands off, too.)

4:50 PM  
Blogger Jerod said...

you must first remove the sty in your own eye, then you will see clearly to remove the sty in your brother's eye. err... wait that's something else.

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is funny about the kids and their families. the same thing happens at my school. they are out of the country all summer, come a week or two after school starts expecting for there to be room for their kids and then are shocked that all the classes are full to those families that came in before school started to register their kids. :)
When are you coming? Any stops in Dallas at some point? I sure hope so!

7:35 PM  
Blogger Bethany said...

I return on October 27th...though my term finishes on the 7th, I have the great pleasure of being able to travel with some friends at the end and then have help getting all my crap home!
I will fly into Amarillo and will plan a "great tour of Texas" before too long-- stay tuned for dates :)
Oh, thanks for the tips eye is recovering nicely (and I didn't even have to wear an eye patch)

6:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, time sure flies! I have already been back more than 10 feels like only 2. I have ran into Melissa quite a bit lately, she says that you hope to spend a good bit of time in Dallas...I sure hope so! I look forward to seeing you!

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey B---
I sure miss you! I won't be back until mid-January...which by that point you will already be in KY, huh? Guess I will just have to come visit you there! I love you and can't wait for a big hug from you.

8:37 PM  

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