Tuesday, July 25

La Tour de France came through my neighborhood on Sunday...

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Blogger Vanessa Houk said...

i hate serious bicyclers! living in vail, i've realized a few things:

1)I'm guaranteed to hit one in the next few years because they think they need to ride on the line when there is 3 feet of side. I mean, they better watch out, b/c if I end up in jail because I hit one of them, i'll really be mad.

2) Ok, why do people in colorado have to deck out in the whole gear to ride their bike? I mean seriously...do you really need an 80 dollar jersey? You are barely going to break a sweat here...so you can't tell me it's for the moister wicking qualities...whatever happened to the t-shirt or tank-top for that matter?

3) Why do people go to work all day and then torture themselves with the un-ergonomic position of a roadbike? Let me lean totally forward and then crank my neck up so I can see where I am going. NO Thanks!!

I personally am an advocate of the 21 speed cruiser bike. Anyways...that is my soapbox and thought i should tell you that I was thinking of these things the whole time I watched your video clip.


2:59 PM  

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