Hear ye, Hear ye...Let it be known to all who come after to read this that Mr. Joshua Paul Langston is my friend. He recently expressed frustration at my omission of his current city of residence on the assumption that it was "not exotic". I wish to amend this oversight and ask you to state your case on why DFW is worth of mention among my international links. If you choose wisely, this telling photo will be promptly removed and replaced by one showcasing your masculinity.
I live in Dallas. As much as I'm enjoying it, you won't hear me stating a case for it!
Josh being Josh, haha.
Ya know don't know Josh so I can't say "Josh being Josh"....and I don't live in the Dallas/Ft Worth area so really don't have a comment about that BUT I'm wondering who the blonde is in the picture????
I had more than one French person shout out "Dallas!" when I mentioned I was from Texas. Of course, they were referring to the spectacular 80s television series. One could argue that fictional, television notoriety marks DFW as a locale exotique.
I remember that wet day in New York's Central Park. . .walking around, laughing, enjoying each other's company, Josh prancing over water puddles . . .
What?! You caved and put DFW by Josh's name. I can't believe you catered to his fussiness!
Tag, you're it. Go to my blog to find out what it's all about!
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