Thursday, July 28

a bathing suit and 18 days of traveling

I realized on Monday that this Friday (29th) I am leaving for a work assignment in Marseille. Though we will be working hard, there will likely be some time to see a beach or two. So, to prevent a repeat of me laying out in my black bra and board shorts like I did in Italy--sorry Mom--the bathing suit search commenced.

See, over here different rules apply. EVERYONE wears either a bikini OR just the bottoms, for men this is in the form of the speedo. The "one piece" that we Americans have come to know and love is extremely rare here. I know that I should probably just let go and adopt a phrase like "when in France do as the French do" or something like that...but let's face it, there are just some things, like showing your business off in public, that are non-negotiable in my book. So after searching high and low I was finally able to locate one at a sports store, because, in the mind of the French, that is the only reason one might need this type of suit; for competitive swimming. Don't worry, I will do my part to impress the other beach-goers with my swimming skills since it may appear that I am a professional.

Anyway, now that I have the essentials I am looking forward to finally seeing the south of France. I will return next Friday (5th), repack, and then take off on Sunday (7th) for a 10 day tour of N. Africa. So, if you don't hear from me for a while know that I am sweating a lot and seeing some new parts of the world.


Blogger Jerod said...

i wish it was socially acceptable for me to wear a speedo over here, because they are so comfortable.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! You crack me up =) Those silly nudie Frenchies. Bonne chance sur les vacances! Katie

3:50 PM  

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