Saturday, November 27

Well my orientation has come to an end. I learned so much and left with some great friendships. My parents were able to come up for a sending out service on Monday. It was great to share my experience with them and helped them see what my life has been like the past two months. The last night we (my friends and I)stayed up until about 2:30am b/c nobody wanted to say "goodbye" for good. Good times. My mind and heart were stretched through this process and I cannot imagine doing any job but this one that God has prepared me for.
I started my trek home on Tuesday at 7:45am, and completed it Saturday at 2:30pm :) Needless to say I had quite a few airline delays that left me stranded in Dallas on Tuesday night. After waiting on standby for 3 hours Wednesday morning, I finally gave up. My family was traveling to Ft. Worth for Thanksgiving on Thursday, so I just called my family and had them pick me up. I was without luggage for 2 1/2 days, but proved that I can survive! Thanksgiving started earlier than I had planned, but I really enjoyed the extended time I got to spent with my family. Friday we took part in a shopping adventure that started at 5 am and lasted until 5:15 pm! I didn't buy much, but enjoyed the time and experience of shopping with my sister-in-laws family! I am now back home in Amarillo until my visa to live in France comes through. So, please continue to pray with me that this will be soon. I have many things to do in the mean time and would love to hear from you!!


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